Stuck in the house, oh my!
Well it's day one of "safer-at-home" (cute phrase) here in Wisconsin so that means, not much changes. Now I can enjoy guilt free hobby time since we aren't supposed to go anywhere and I work from home, another bonus. I've taken advantage of this time to start looking at my miniatures situation and making some decisions. One of these is that I have some things that I'll probably never use and they should start to slowly make their way out of the house. My plan is to have a box where I can put stuff I "probably" want to get rid of and if in a year or so that box is still around I get rid of it. Unfortunately that doesn't take a lot out of my lead pile.
When it comes to the lead pile I think I've found my answer for speed but acceptable paint jobs. It came from
Dr Faust, and it's a style I've seen but never tried. Basically it's a shadow to start and then layer up highlights from there; I used to paint the middle and then shade and highlight. I'm getting a reasonable speed but the figures look good enough for me. It also isn't too far removed from advance techniques that I want to use on model figures.
Now for the good stuff, what have I finished! In keeping with my previous post I'm putting up at least pics of what I'm finishing with the goal that in 2021 I'll see a lot of progress. So here it is!
After about a year of sitting in my room I finally completed 11 French destroyers in 1/2400.
Escorts forming. |
Hull numbers even! |
Scatter terrain, you can never have enough!!!! These are a mix of Crooked Dice, Mantic, reaper, Scotia, Things from the Basement, and some others.
Vendor stalls for the villagers |
Goodies for the underground lab of evil! |
Is it wrong to have pews near a gallows? |
A Eureka boat I had sitting around. |
I did complete a lot of vehicles including a truck & trailer from Puppet's War, a Bolt Action KV1, more gaslands cars and a repainted GZG 25mm vehicle.
A really nice model with good crisp detail. |
Probably my last KV since I now have 2. |
Figures and figures by the dozen. I don't remember the final tally but it was a good amount.
Foundry and Old Glory African Natives |
Old Glory porters |
More GW minis for my buddy Duane. |
RPG minis, some pretty old school. |
More SpecOps from The Assault Group |
Foundry minis for Darkest Africa |
I can't leave out buildings, that's my thing! I completed a Charlie Foxtrot Russian farm and an Acheson dark age house.
CF models go together very nicely. |
Each floor and roof removable. |
Nice resin piece for my vikings. |
The total that I completed is:
7 Dark Africa/Pulp
7 Dark Africa casualties
44 Dark Africa tribesmen
14 Dark Africa porters
10 GW oldhammer minis for my bud Duane.
3 Vietnam minis
14 miscellaneous RPG minis
4 market stalls from Mantic
31 pieces of sci-fi scatter terrain
1 tractor and trailer for sci-fi
1 sci fi apc
1 kv1
2 houses
4 gaslands cars
11 pieces of medieval/modern scatter.