Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Models are next!

Taking a count

     We're in week 2 maybe of the covid-19 death plague so I'm turning lemons into less lemons by entering all my kits into scalemates.  For those who don't know, scalemates is an online cataloging site for modelers to keep track of their kits, extras, books, and paints.  You can bring up all the aftermarket parts for a certain kit and make sure you aren't buying something you have hidden away.  It's paperwork at the beginning but once the data is there it's easier to see ways to use it.  So after going through 4 totes and the storage shelves I come up with a grand total of 367 "kits"!  There is some wiggle room since conversion parts and diorama items are sometimes classified as kits, so it's not 367 actual "build the model in the box" kits, but it's still a lot.  What to do?  Here's a snippet of the books I have on hand for modelling and gaming reference.  Most of my "regular read" books are upstairs and not pictured. 

Reference books, part 1

Reference books, part 2
     While work continues on my models I also have been chugging through the lead pile, and I'm getting within sight of finishing off my pygmies and modern Somalis from Brittania (there are still more modern Africans to paint).  My method of basing when I get enough to make the change in table set up worth it is the way to go for me.  I can paint without clearing the bench and breaking out all the terrain glues and material; I can set a day aside for that once I get enough.  Well, I had enough done and my cookie tray was filled so here's what is done, done (all 28mm):
Friend Duane's minis - 2
Vietnam - 1
Copplestone Russian Civil War (RCW) Whites - 6
Foundry pygmies - 23
Brittania Somalis - 15
RPG minis - 12
Scatter terrain - 18
decorative items for the table - 12.
Pygmie force

Somalis, almost done!

Acheson walls

Old glory Africans and TAG Vietnam

The start of my RCW forces and some goods from Mantic

RPG minis including a rock monster and 2 devils for Dracula's America

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